Carnival Pride Crashes While Docking

   May 9, 2016 ,   Accidents

Carnival Pride crashed while docking in Baltimore. The ship hit the passenger gangway pulling into Maryland cruise terminal on May 08 (Sunday morning). The front of Pride struck the bridge used by travelers. Fortunately, at the time no one was using it and no injuries were caused by the accident.

Carnival Pride guests returning from a trip to Bahamas were greeted with a jolt as their vessel docked at port of Baltimore. The front of the ship struck the passenger walkway at Maryland cruise terminal, causing it to collapse on three parked cars owned by employees of the cruise line. At the time of the crash the cars were empty and no one was hurt.

Carnival Pride suffered minor damage and her schedule will not be impacted due to the accident. It’s still unclear what caused the accident - it is being investigated jointly by the Pride cruise ship crew and the US Coast Guard.