Mont St Michel ferry deck 7 plan (Cabins-Lobby-Shops-Lounge)
Deck layout and review

Review of Mont St Michel ferry deck 7 (Cabins-Lobby-Shops-Lounge)
Information Desk / Reception (24-hour guest services)
Bureau de change / ATM cash machine is located next to the Reception. The ATM accepts credit cards, debit cards and cash only (doesn't accept cheques and coins). Cash withdrawals can be made using credit or debit cards - cash is provided in the card;s currency.
2 cinemas (tickets can be purchased from Information Desk)
Baggage Room (complimentary)
disabled toilets (decks 7, 8, 9, 10)
Cabins (passenger staterooms)
Reserved Seating Lounge (forward location, with reclining / Pullman seats)
Les Boutiques (shops for perfumes, cosmetics, makeup and skincare products, confectionery, tobaccos, alcohol / spirits, wines)
Deck 7 is accessible via 3 lifts (2 portside, 1 starboard).