Avalon Tapestry II deck 1 plan (Indigo)
Deck layout and review

Review of Avalon Tapestry II deck 1 (Indigo)
Indigo Deck cruise cabins from 101 to 112, all of which are Riverview/Outside staterooms. They are in two categories (D and E) both grades located at the water level. Each stateroom has 2 non-opening rectangular Porthole windows.
There is elevator access to the upper decks. Here is the ship’s Fitness Center (Gym room with modern equipment /workout machines, free weights, TV, plus a small stretch area).
The list of service and storage spaces located in the Tapestry 2 ship’s forward section includes water ballast tanks, bow thruster room (propulsion unit), dry store with a large freezer, freshwater tanks. Located aft are the ship’s sewage treatment plant, fuel tanks, and propulsion room.
Located after the passenger accommodations are 21 staff and crew cabins and the “Dayroom” (crew lounge and dining facility).