Australia’s Cruise Companies Continue Operations

   January 15, 2020 ,   Accidents

Australia’s cruise industry continues with operations at full capacity and united with other tourism sectors in recovery projects for the communities impacted by bushfires, a statement by Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) said.

CLIA Australasia confirmed all major cruise companies in the region are now operating as scheduled and most cruise destinations in Australia are unaffected by the fires. To date, 5 cruise itineraries had minor adjustments to avoid ports in the impacted by the fires areas. Of approx 50 Australian ports, only 2 had been affected, though it's expected they'll be accessible soon, CLIA added.

Port of Melbourne (Victoria Australia)

Major port cities (like Melbourne Victoria and Sydney NSW) are unaffected by the fires (other than smoke haze periods), as are most other ports around Australia.

CLIA joined forces with Australian tourism organizations to aid in the recovery efforts for all destinations hit by fires. A number of cruise lines have provided assistance to affected communities, including donations to recovery funds.