MSC Sinfonia deck 12 plan (Bizet-Suites-Teens)
Deck layout and review

Review of MSC Sinfonia deck 12 (Bizet-Suites-Teens)
Power Walking/Jogging Track (7 laps = 1 mi, size 1200 m2)
Young Club (size 54 m2) & Juniors Club (size 100 m2) - The Planet Club (11 seats teen club lounge for dance classes, live music, night disco, sports and video games contests) and Galaxy Video Games Arcade (with foosball and tennis tables)
Pasha Club Disco & Nightclub (215 seats, with a full bar; during the day serving as a quiet area for panoramic views and relaxation, size 739 m2)
Cruise suites from 1201 to 1229, all of which are forward located Suites in category SR2-Deluxe Suite Aurea.